BAC Newsletter Issue 7
Recent News
Special focus
Communication and Cooperation
Trends and developments
Communication and Cooperation

Manager Directors from AIA Visit BAC

����On Sep 10th, 2008, Ms. Aura Soria de Karel, Manager Director from Association for International Arbitration (AIA) and Ms. Yang Hong, her personal assistant, visited BAC, and Ms. Wang Hongsong, Secretary General of BAC, hosted the guests. Ms. Wang introduced the development of BAC to the guests, including the mediation rules recently passed and the information on some important meetings to be held. Ms. Aura was very interested in the BAC��s development, and expressed she hope to invite Ms. Wang to attend the international conference with the theme as ��Latest developments of arbitration and mediation in China�� organized by AIA. Meanwhile Ms. Aura expressed, due to the rapid development of BAC, some AIA members hope to apply for arbitrators of BAC, and also hope some BAC arbitrators can join AIA as members, so as to enhance exchanges and cooperation between two parties on deeper levels. AIA welcomes BAC arbitrators to join AIA, and AIA will free the membership fee for one year. Ms. Wang introduced the situation and conditions in BAC for recruitment of foreign arbitrators, and expressed her appreciation for the sincerity of AIA for implementing the cooperation between two parties.

����AIA was founded in Belgium in 1993, dedicated to expand the alternative dispute resolutions (ADR), and specially focusing on promoting arbitration and mediation as the dispute resolutions. Its works are mainly carried by means of organizing international conferences on arbitration and mediation, publishing mediation and arbitration publications, organizing training programs for arbitrators and mediators from various countries, carrying out communication on arbitration cultures and hosting arbitration delegations from various countries, etc. Members in AIA comprise of arbitrators, mediators, counselors, solicitors and scholars with international and domestic professional backgrounds coming from different countries in the world, who will pay a certain amount of the membership fee annually, and the membership fee in 2008 is Euro 150 (

(Editor: Jiang Qiuju)