BAC Newsletter Issue 7
Recent News
Special focus
Communication and Cooperation
Trends and developments
Trends and developments

  During Oct 23rd-24th, 2008, jointly organized by Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC), London Marine Arbitrator Association (LMAA) and Hong Kong Marine Law Association (HKMLA), Marine Law Conference will be held in Hong Kong, to explore the related practical issues for marine arbitrations in Hong Kong and London.

  International Commercial Arbitration Beijing Forum & the 50th-Anniversary Conference of “the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” will be held in Beijing on Oct 27th, 2008. This forum is organized by BAC, and supported by American Arbitration Association. The conference will invite the keynote speakers with prestige in the international commercial arbitration community to make keynote speeches on the themes “Impacts of the New York Convention on international commercial arbitration”, “Recognition and enforcement progress of foreign arbitral awards in various jurisdictions” as well as “Latest developments of arbitrations and diversified dispute resolution mechanisms in various countries”, etc. Judge Wang Exiang, Deputy Chief Justice of Supreme Peoples’ Court, will also be invited to attend this forum.

   During Oct 28th till 29th, 2008, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) will dispatch 4 to 5 experts to launch a 2-day arbitrator training program in BAC. Those to sign up in the training program, after submitting a thesis for about 1500 words (In Chinese or English languages), will be granted with the Associate qualification in CIArb (The annual registration fee for 50 pounds). The trainees who attend the training in the whole process and pass the exam will be granted with the Membership qualification (The annual registration fee for 80 pounds). The sign-up fee for this training program is about RMB 1000 Yuan, and BAC arbitrators have the title for free training. For those interested in this training program, please pay attention to the related news on the BAC website.

  On Nov 19th, 2008, jointly organized by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Department of Justice of Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Representative Office of ICC, the “International Arbitration – Presence of East-Asia Times” conference will be held in Hong Kong. The conference will witness the founding of Hong Kong Secretary Unit, Asia Representative Office of International Arbitration Court of ICC. Asia Office will assist International Arbitration Court of ICC, with the most advanced telecom and case management technologies, to manage the cases within the region.

  In Dec 2008, BAC and Straus Dispute Resolution Center of Pepperdine University in USA will cooperate to organize the 2nd-issue mediator training program in Beijing. After the 1st-issue mediator training program, the feedbacks from trainees mostly were good, and many arbitrators who have attended the training program successfully applied the mediation skills they learnt in the program to their arbitration practices, and received the very good case settlement results. As requested by more arbitrators and professionals, the organizers decided to hold the 2nd-issue training program, with the schedule also for 6 days. For those interested in this program, please visit the BAC website for related information.

(Editors: Jiang Qiuju and Chen Liangyu)