BAC Newsletter Issue 9
Recent News
Arbitrators�� Salon
Theory Research
News from the Arbitration Institutions
News from the Arbitration Institutions

New Chinese European Arbitration Centre opens in Hamburg

���� A new Chinese European Arbitration Centre (CEAC) was inaugurated on 18 September 2008 in Hamburg. The centre will administer China-European trade disputes and offer the services of an institutional arbitration centre. CEAC has been tailor-made to the needs of trade with China and grants equal power to Chinese, European and worldwide participants in the market. The centre aims to provide a neutral dispute resolution process to enhance and facilitate China-related trade and investment matters for the international business and legal communities. Visit, to access CEAC's website, which provides further information on their services, including arbitration rules, arbitration and choice of law clauses, costs and information on arbitrators.

UNCITRAL Working Group II: Revisions to the Arbitration Rules

���� The UNCITRAL working group met for its 49th session in Vienna on 15-19 September 2008, and considered the following issues: a model arbitration clause; a proposed model declaration of independence for arbitrators; provision for joiner of the third parties; the appointment of substitute arbitrators; truncated tribunals; and the default number of arbitrators. Please visit to check the agenda for the meeting. The report on the meeting was not available in time for this publication. Further discussion will take place at the next session, scheduled for 9-13 February 2009, in New York.
�� ��From:��

ICC International Court of Arbitration Opens the First Asia Office in Hong Kong

���� The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Secretariat of the ICC Court have opened an Asia office of the ICC Court��s Secretariat in Hong Kong. The office is the ICC Court Secretariat��s first branch outside Paris and has a case management team to administer cases in the region under the ICC Rules of Arbitration.

����The move was made in recognition of the growing importance of Asia-Pacific to the International Court of Arbitration as well as the increasing demand for arbitration services in the region.

���� ICC��s mission is to promote international trade and investment. Arbitration is one of the organization��s three main activities along with rules-setting and policy.

����The Hong Kong branch of the Secretariat is expected to house six staff and will be fully operational by the beginning of next year. It is located at Suite 2, 12/F Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. The branch will operate in the same way as other case management teams of the Court��s Secretariat in Paris, with a dedicated video link. By operating in the same time zone, the Asia office will be able to provide effective and timely dispute resolution services for the region.

Conference of ��Evidence Procedures and Ethics in International Arbitration �� Held in Beijing

���� The conference of ��Evidence Procedures and Ethics in International Arbitration�� hosted by CIETAC and International Bar Association��IBA��was held in Beijing on November 24th, 2008. Representatives from BAC were invited to attend the conference. The conference aimed to discuss the practical applications of ��IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration�� released by IBA in 2004 and ��IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration��released in 1999 with the participants from domestic and abroad. Hosted by Ms. Sally Harpole, Co-president of IBA, the conference attracted lawyers, scholars and experts in arbitration field from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Germany, UK and US.

The SCC Workshop and Arbitration Mock in Kiev, 1 �C 3 December 2008

����This 3 day intensive workshop focused on the most important procedures of international commercial arbitration. The program is structured as a combination of lectures and working group sessions under the guidance of international arbitration experts.

���� The practical sessions included a mock arbitration case, where the participants were engaged in the presentation of a case, including the drafting of party submissions, preparation for an oral hearing. The mock hearing took place on the last day of the event with focus on the oral presentation of facts and evidence in the mock case. The materials of the case will be provided to the participants in advance.

(Gu Xuan and Zhang Jiechao)