BAC Newsletter Issue 18
Comprehensive News
Regional Observation
Current Issue Focus
Guided Reading on Selected International Commerce Arbitration Cases
Seminar Info
Comprehensive News

Revision of UNICITRAL Rules in the 52nd session of Working Group
At its 52nd session (New York, 1-5 February 2010), the Working Group of Arbitration and Conciliation continued its revision of 1976 UNICITRAL Arbitration Rules, the final review and adoption of which would take place at the 43rd session (New York, 21 June- 9 July) of the Commission, in 2010. It will bring to the end of the almost four years of discussions.

Have your say �C revised IBA rules on the taking of evidence
Ten years after they were first adopted the International Bar Association's Arbitration Committee has produced a revised draft of its rules on the taking of evidence on 18 January 2010.

ICC awards made in HK will be enforceable in Mainland China
On 30 December 2009 the Supreme People��s Court of China issued a notification to higher people��s courts in Mainland China. This notification confirms that ad hoc arbitral awards made in Hong Kong and arbitral awards made in Hong Kong by the ICC and other foreign arbitration institutions are enforceable in Mainland China. This is in accordance with the Arrangement concerning Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between Mainland China and the HKSAR signed in 1999. The notification is conducive to Hong Kong��s development as an international dispute resolution center.

New ICSID award states rule on costs "may be changing"
On 16 October 2009 ICSID stated, in an award, rule on costs ��may be changing.�� Despite finding no bad faith, two ICSID arbitrators have ordered duty-free firm EDF to pay US$6 million to Romania, to cover legal fees, in an award that spotlights, again, the lack of consensus on the costs-side of investor-state disputes.
EDF (Services) Limited v Romania, ICSID Case. no. ARB/05/13 (Oct. 2, 2009)

Dong HaiZhou Wang QianLing Lin Qi
