I. Administrative Regulations:
1. Credit Industry Regulations Regulation on the Administration of Credit Investigation Industry
[Issuing Authority] State Council [Issuing No.] No. 631 of Order of State Council
[Date Issued] January 21, 2013 [Date Implemented] March 15, 2013
(Please visit http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2013-01/29/content_2322231.htm for details)
2. Regulations on Protection of Computer Softwares (revised in 2013) (based on Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on Protection of Computer Softwares on January 30, 2013)
[Issuing Authority] State Council [Issuing No.] No. 632 of Order of State Council
[Date Issued] January 30, 2013 [Date Implemented] March 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2013-02/08/content_2330130.htm for details)
3. Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China (revised in 2013) (based on Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China on January 30, 2013)
[Issuing Authority] State Council[Issuing No.] No. 633 of Order of State Council
[Date Issued] January 30, 2013 [Date Implemented] March 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2013-02/08/content_2330132.htm for details)
4. Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information (revised in 2013) (based on Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information on January 30, 2013)
[Issuing Authority] State Council [Issuing No.] No. 634 of Order of State Council
[Date Issued] January 30, 2013 [Date Implemented] March 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2013-02/08/content_2330133.htm for details)
II. Judicial Interpretations:
1. Decision of the Supreme People’s Court on Abolishing Some Judicial Interpretations and Nature Documents of Judicial Interpretations which were Issued from January 1, 1980 to June 30, 1997 (Ninth Group)
[Issuing Authority] Supreme People’s Court
[Issuing No.] No. 2 [2013] of Judicial Interpretations
[Date Issued] January 14, 2013 [Date Implemented] January 18, 2013
(Please visit http://www.court.gov.cn/qwfb/sfjs/201301/t20130121_181694.htm for details)
2. Decision of the Supreme People’s Court on Abolishing Some Judicial Interpretations and Nature Documents of Judicial Interpretations which were Issued from July 1, 1997 to December 31, 2011 (Tenth Group)
[Issuing Authority] Supreme People’s Court
[Issuing No.] No. 7 [2013] of Judicial Interpretations
[Date Issued] February 26, 2013 [Date Implemented] April 8, 2013
(Please visit http://www.court.gov.cn/qwfb/sfjs/201304/t20130407_183073.htm for details)
3. Interpretations of the Supreme People’s Court on Issues concerning the Applicable Law in the Hearing of Cases Involving Finance Lease Contracts (Exposure Draft)
[Issuing Authority] Supreme People’s Court
[Date Issued] March 11, 2013
(Please visit http://www.court.gov.cn/gzhd/zqyj/201303/t20130312_182643.htm for details)
III. Departmental Regulations:
1. Measures for the Administration of the Securities Investment Fund Custody Business
[Issuing Authority] Ministry of Justice and China Banking Regulatory Commission
[Issuing No.] No. 92 of Order of China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Date Issued] April 2, 2013 [Date Implemented] April 2, 2013
(Please visit http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/zjhpublic/G00306201/201304/t20130403_223047.htm for details)
2. Measures for the Sale of Securities Investment Funds
[Issuing Authority] China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Issuing No.] No. 91 of Order of China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Date Issued] March 15, 2013 [Date Implemented] June 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/zjhpublic/G00306201/201303/t20130316_222342.htm for details)
3. Provisions on the Implementation of the Measures for the Pilot Program of Securities Investment in China by RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors
[Issuing Authority] China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Issuing No.] No. 90 of Order of China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Date Issued] March 1, 2013 [Date Implemented] March 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/zjhpublic/G00306201/201303/t20130308_222029.htm for details)
4. Interim Measures for the Administration of National SME Share Transfer System Limited Liability Company
[Issuing Authority] China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Issuing No.] No. 89 of Order of China Securities Regulatory Commission
[Date Issued] January 31, 2013 [Date Implemented] January 31, 2013
(Please visit http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/zjhpublic/G00306201/201302/t20130202_221078.htm for details)
5. Measures on Electronic Bid Invitation and Bidding
[Issuing Authority] National Development and Reform Commission; Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Railways (cancelled), Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Commerce
[Issuing No.] No. 20, 2013 of Order of National Development and Reform Commission; Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Railways (cancelled), Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Commerce
[Date Issued] February 4, 2013 [Date Implemented] May 1, 2013
(Please visit http://www.sdpc.gov.cn/zcfb/zcfbl/2013ling/t20130220_527489.htm for details)