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 鎹簡瑙o紝杩戝勾鏉ラ殢鐫�寳浠插浗闄呭奖鍝嶅姏鐨勬棩鐩婃彁鍗囷紝鍥介檯浠茶鐣屽鍖椾徊鐨勫叧娉ㄥ害鏃ョ泭澧炲姞銆�009骞淬�缇庡浗鍥介檯浠茶璇勮銆嬶紙The American Review of International Arbitration锛夊垔鐧讳簡瀵瑰寳浠茬殑闀跨瘒瀹炶瘉鐮旂┒鏂囩珷锛屽叏闈㈠墫鏋愬寳浠蹭负纭繚鐙珛銆佽儨浠讳笌鍏鎵�噰鍙栫殑鍚勭鏈夊姏鎺柦銆�010骞磋嫳鍥界殑銆婂缓璁惧伐绋嬫硶寰嬫潅蹇椼�锛圕onstruction Law Journal锛夊垔鐧绘枃绔狅紝浠ュ寳浠蹭负渚嬪叏闈粙缁嶆満鏋勪徊瑁佺殑涓浗缁忛獙銆�011骞淬�涓栫晫浠茶閫氳銆嬶紙World Arbitration Reporter锛夊湪绗簩鐗堜腑澧炲姞涓�珷锛屽鍖椾徊瑙勫垯杩涜璇勪粙銆�012骞淬�鍥介檯浠茶璇勮銆嬶紙GAR锛夎繕鏇惧氨鍖椾徊鍙楃悊鐨勪竴璧蜂簤璁噾棰濊揪鍑犲崄浜夸汉姘戝竵鐨勬秹鍙婁腑鍥藉叕鍙镐笌缇庡浗鍏徃鐨勪徊瑁佹浠惰繘琛屼笓闂ㄦ姤閬撱�
BAC 鈥�Beijing Arbitration Commission
Why鈥檚 it one to watch?
The BAC has many admirers. An article by the Economist Intelligence Unit described it as 鈥渢he only local arbitration commission which meets global standards鈥� Anecdotal evidence in Hong Kong鈥檚 arbitration community supports this.
Gosh. What makes it so popular?
Professionalism, competence and transparency, according to one respected source (speaking at GAR Live Hong Kong). Its rules are friendly towards international companies, in that they allow the parties to change arbitrators mid-case should a Med-Arb process, which is often part of a foreign-related dispute, be unsuccessful.
Who gets credit for all that?
It鈥檚 run by Madame Wang Hongsong 鈥�鈥淢adame Wang鈥�to the local arbitration community 鈥�who鈥檚 occasionally described as 鈥渇ormidable鈥� The BAC also insists that all arbitrators joining its list go on an intensive training programme.
What does the future hold?
Most of China鈥檚 local arbitration commissions are expected to do well because of the 鈥渃loud鈥�hanging over CIETAC (see below). The BAC, as the class of the field, should do better than most. It may be BAC鈥檚 big chance to shine.
Does it have much experience with international work?
Oh yes. It has handled around 490 foreign-related matters in its 17-year span. That equates to about 30 to 50 new international cases in recent times. It handles around 1,500 to 2,000 matters each year.
Are there any things to look out for?
As with any Chinese mainland arbitration, it won鈥檛 be as in-depth a process as some might want. The BAC aims to complete all matters within six months. On the upside, the staff are helpful, often fluent in English, and have the benefit of a really effective case-management system. And its hearing rooms also have a lovely view of Beijing. BAC 鈥�Beijing Arbitration Commission.