BAC Newsletter Issue 12
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International News
New Laws Express
Trends and Developments
New Laws Express

����China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issuedInterim Measures for the Administration of Initial Public Offerings and Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market on March 31st . These measures will be implemented in May 1st , which mean that the GEM prepared for a decade is expected to officially launch in May. These measures include 6 chapters and 58 articles in total, which give detailed regulations on conditions for issuance, procedures for issuance, information disclosure, supervision and administration, legal liability and other issues.

����On March 16th , 2009, the Ministry of Commerce issued Measures for Overseas Investment Management(hereinafter referred to as ��Measures��), which will come into effect in May 1, 2009. On the basis of integrating the existing provision, the ��Measures�� also simplifies the approval procedures of overseas investment to a great extent, especially for the overseas investment with investment amount of less than 10 million US dollars. The coordination between approval departments has also been improved.

����The Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People��s Congress resolved to approve the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People��s Congress on Ratifying the Treaty on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial between the People��s Republic of China and the Republic of Perusigned in Beijing by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on behalf of the People��s Republic of China.

����Provisions of the Supreme People��s Court on Some Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Delivery the Goods without Original Bill of Lading Cases has been adopted and promulgated by the 1463rd conference of the judicial committee of Supreme People��s Court on Feb 16th , 2009, as well as come into effect in March 5th , 2009.