BAC Newsletter Issue 12
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Recent News

���� On the morning of March 8th, 2009, the forum, ��Risk prevention and system construction of securities markets during financial crisis - attended by the national conference delegates and law experts��, was held at the International Conference Hall. This forum was organized by the Securities Law Institute of Chinese Law Society; co-organized by the Legal Daily Weekend and the Law School of Central University of Finance and Economics, and sponsored by the BJAC. The main topics of this forum included the establishment of the growth enterprise market, the introduction of stock index futures, the improvement of the securities regulatory mechanism, the prevention of financial risks, litigation and arbitration of securities disputes and so on. The representatives from the two conferences such as Jinhe Xu, Jie Zheng, Susheng Chi and Ximing Sui from NPC and Nanshen Sun from the CPPCC presented the meeting.

���� On Mar 20, 2009, the 10 people LLM project group from New York University came to the BJAC. The secretary-general Madam Hongsong Wang introduced the BJAC history, organization, main cases, and the whole development trend, as well as answered all their questions. After the seminar, these scholars visited BJAC��s offices, and were very impressed by BJAC��s great achievement.

���� During 16-19 Mar 2009, the MSOD (Master of Science of Organization Development) project team of Gradual Business and Management College of the Southern California Pepperdine University visited us as the fourth time. Entrusted by the BJAC ahead, the project team carried out researches on organizational structures and operational mechanism of the American Arbitration Association, American Judicial Arbitration, Mediation and Service Center, Hong Kong International Arbitration Center and Australian International Arbitration Center. Based on the researches, the team exchanged their opinions with the secretary-general, some conciliators and handling secretaries on the organizational structures, power restriction mechanism, the obligations, rules and operational mechanism of the Arbitration Committee, and finally put forward a research report of the project. In the report, the team compared our arbitrational organizations with the international arbitrational organizations above mentioned and analyzed advantages of our organizational structures and managerial systems, and also challenges we faced, on which the team delivered their professional advices.

���� On 15 Jan 2009, the workshop about Sino-British non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms was held at the Shanghai Bund Center. It was co-sponsored by China and Britain parties. The workshop was designed to help the Chinese companies to learn how to use the dispute resolution mechanism to protect their own rights, meanwhile assisting multinational companies that invested in China to learn the alternative Chinese dispute resolution mechanism.

���� Nanjing has seen the unveiling ceremony for the foundation of Jiangsu Maritime Mediation Center on Mar 17th , 2009. The Mediation Center hung out its shingle in law department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (abb. as CCPIT hereafter)��Jiangsu Sub-council, and its specific business is in the charge of secretariat of China Maritime Arbitration Commission Shanghai branch. Tongbin Zhang, director of Jiangsu Marine Bureau, is director-general of it, and Wu Shanfang, secretary of law department of CCPIT Jiangsu Sub-council, is its secretary-general. Jiangsu Maritime Mediation Center engaged 38 maritime mediators including front line stuffs at the marine offices of all ports in Jiangsu province and other social personnel.

���� On March 3rd 2009, ��Taiwan enterprises seminar on the mainland domestic demand market operation�� co-sponsored by the China Trade Promotion Committee and Taipei World Trade Center was successfully held in Beijing. This seminar was aimed to assist Taiwan enterprises to expand the mainland domestic demand market, and to speed up transformation and upgrade to cope with the impact by the financial crisis. More than 150 enterprises and media representatives from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places attended the seminar.

���� �� From April the 11st to 19th, 2009, the eighth term of training course for judges will be held at Tsinghua University. This training course will continue to focus on promotion of the practical skills of arbitration proceedings as part of the curriculum, as well as increase the technical explanation of ��Regulation�� simultaneously.