1. On March 3, 2011, 2011 2nd Arbitrators Salon (Total No.: 71) was successfully held in the International Convention Center. The theme of the Salon was “Several Issues concerning Development of Financing Guarantee in China”, with Dr. Wen Haixing featuring as guest speaker. BAC arbitrator Dr. Guan Yide hosted the Salon.
2. On March 31, 2011, the Arbitrators Salon themed as “Arbitrators Forum” was successfully held in the International Convention Center, where the secretary-general Wang Hongsong held joint talks with the participating arbitrators about arbitrators’ feedback for the past year, in addition to the relevant issues encountered by the arbitration commissions. The division chief, Mr. Ding Jianyong communicated with the participating arbitrators about award preparation.
3. The 2011 3rd Arbitrators Salon (Total No.: 72) was held on Thursday April 28, 2011, with the following theme: Application for Cancellation of Award: Current Status, Issues and Suggestions. The main lecturer was Professor Song Lianbin, who is the standing council member and vice secretary-general of China Society of International Private Law, and the arbitrator of the Beijing Arbitration Commission.
4. The 11th Arbitrator Training Program was held in 4/F Mingli Building, School of Law Tsinghua University on May 6-8, 2011, which focused on enhancing the practical skills in arbitration proceeding, discussed the content of the Arbitration Rules of the Beijing Arbitration Commission and presented a detailed introduction to procedures of arbitral trial. At the same time, by simulating the practical arbitral court, students were given the opportunity to effectively apply their knowledge into arbitration practice. In terms of explanation and training forms, the teachers continued to adopt an “interactive”, “case study” training model, presented heuristic education to the students and helped students to absorb the knowledge to a greater extent so that all participants could be competent for arbitration trail following the training.