
发布时间: Fri Aug 07 00:00:00 CST 2009   供稿人:王红松



    首先,我代表北仲对合作组织今晚活动美国纽约州律协北京分会、北京市律协仲裁专业委员会和纽约州律协上海分会表示感谢。特别要感谢的是纽约州北京分会会长刘驰先生,他为此今晚活动付出很多心血和努力,使这次活动得以顺利进行;其次,感谢参与活动并致词的纽约州律师协会国际部主任Michael Galligan先生和北京律师协会副会长姜俊禄先生,他们二位的讲话,为今晚活动增添了隆重而热烈的色彩;最后,我要感谢参加今晚活动并作发言的王晨光教授,王教授是清华法学院前任院长,在他任职期内,北仲与清华大学法学院在仲裁员培训方面进行了成功而愉快的合作,我们留下美好的印象。王教授的到来让我们感到了朋友间的温馨和快乐。

    今晚,我演讲的题目是:北京仲裁委员会——一个新兴的国际商事仲裁中心。 我提出这个命题的主要依据如下:

    一、 中国处在经济快速增长和社会转型阶段,各种经济纠纷大量涌现,中国已经成为一个新兴的、潜力巨大的仲裁市场。

    二、 中国在很大程度上已融入世界经济之中。中国的企业中,外商独资企业或有外资背景的企业占了相当的比例。中国国内市场逐渐国际化。另一方面,随着中国企业到境外拓展业务,中国企业法律顾问和中国律师将面对越来越多的国际商事纠纷。对于可供执行财产在中国境内,可能需要由中国法院执行仲裁裁决的国际商事纠纷,选择中国境内的仲裁机构比选择境外的仲裁机构,会更多地得到法院在财产保全、裁决执行上的便利和保障。事实上,中国需要自己的能够满足中外当事人需要的国际商事仲裁中心,社会对北仲成为国际商事仲裁中心寄予厚望。

    三、 根据仲裁法的规定,无论是贸仲还是像北仲这样重新组建的仲裁建构,都可以受理国际、国内商事仲裁案件。北仲从成立到现在已经受理了370多件国际商事仲裁案件。

    四、 根据北仲发展历史和自身优势,北仲应该也能够成为国际商事仲裁中心。








    (二) 北仲具有国际商事仲裁中心的特征

    1. 保持机构的独立性、公正性。北仲的委员会成员大多由法律、经济贸易中德高望重的专家、学者组成。如主任江平教授是全国著名民商法学家,副主任和委员中有北大的副校长吴志攀教授、人大的副校长王利明教授、清华大学法学院领导车丕照教授,中国社会科学院学部委员、全国人大代表梁慧星教授,世界银行首席驻中国代办处民营部门发展首席代表张春霖教授,北大光华管理学院院长张维迎教授、中央党校研究室副主任、行政法学专家周天勇教授。委员会成员的专家、学者特色不仅使国际商事仲裁理念得以贯彻执行,而且,保证了北仲决策的科学性和专业水准。

    2. 为了保证机构的独立和公正,北仲做出一些特殊规定:一是,主任和工作人员不做仲裁员,副主任和委员只有在双方当事人选定的情况下,方可担任仲裁员,从而保证仲裁员、聘用及管理上的超脱和公正。二是北仲的仲裁员不得代理北仲的案件,尽管这有可能使北仲因此失去一些案源,但我们认为,独立、公正是北仲首要的价值取向。三是,对仲裁裁决有不同意见且拒绝在裁决上签字的仲裁员,应提交自己的书面不同意见,该意见将与裁决一道送达双方当事人,提高裁决的透明度。

    (三) 仲裁规则和调解规则最大程序上吸收国际惯例和通行做法接轨

    1. 在仲裁规则中规定,国际商事仲裁案件当事人可以在北仲的仲裁员名册外选择仲裁员;在仲裁程序中,因调解不成导致调解程序终止,当事人可以以避免仲裁裁决受调解影响为由替换仲裁员。





    1. 不断提高仲裁员的聘用标准。如北仲制度《仲裁员聘用管理办法》,对不同职业、专业领域的专业人士申请作仲裁员规定不同标准——这些标准均高于仲裁员的法定标准。如律师申请作仲裁员,除满足仲裁法规定的条件外,还必须具有法律硕士研究生或以上学历;从事或曾从事诉讼、仲裁业务,办案经验丰富;在律师行业中具有较高专业水准和良好信誉,且无任何违纪行为或不良反映;能够胜任首席或独任仲裁员工作。

    2. 不断强化业务培训工作。法律或经济领域专业人士申请作北仲仲裁员,要参加北仲与清华大学法学院联合举办的培训班,并经过考核合格。目前,该培训班已举办8期,共有409人参加培训。同时,北仲每月至少组织一次仲裁员专业学习沙龙,邀请国内外仲裁领域经验丰富的专家、学者或资深法官、专家前来授课。目前共举办53期沙龙,共有3694人次参与沙龙活动。此外,北仲与英国皇家御准仲裁员学会、与美国派普丹大学,施特劳斯争议解决中心,联合组织共同举办国际商事仲裁员培训班、调解员培训班等。





北仲受案量与受案标的  BAC’s Total Caseload and Disputed Amount

国内主要仲裁机构受案量及标的比较  Comparison of Caseload and Dispute Amount of China’s Major Arbitration Commissions

国内主要仲裁机构受案量及标的比较  Comparison of Caseload and Dispute Amount of China’s Major Arbitration Commissions

国内主要仲裁机构受案量及标的比较  Comparison of Caseload and Dispute Amount of China’s Major Arbitration Commissions

涉外案件数量与标的  BAC’s Caseload and Disputed Amount of International Cases

涉外案件当事人分布  Geographical Origin of Parties of BAC’s International Cases

以自有资金购置近7000平米办公用房及70个停车位  Having purchased 7,000 square meters of office space and 70 parking spaces

目前已累计向政府纳税近8000万元 ,为政府资助款项的18倍  Having paid near 80 millions RMB in taxes which is 18 times of the appropriations obtained by the BAC from the government at its establishment.

1995年设立  Established in 1995
1998年实现自收自支  Became self-funded in 1998
2000年后通过纳税获得更大管理自由  Gained greater management freedom through tax payments in 2002

北仲办案设施  The up-to-date facilities of the BAC

15个仲裁厅  15 arbitration rooms
2个国际会议厅  2 international conference rooms
均配备远程视频系统  each equipped with the video-conferencing system
其中两个会议厅及3个仲裁厅配备同声传译系统  some even with simultaneous translation equipment

北仲作为新兴国际仲裁中心的主要特征  Major Features of the BAC as an Emerging International Arbitration Center

坚持仲裁机构的独立性和公正性  Strong use of mechanisms that encourage independence and impartiality

仲裁规则和调解规则最大限度地吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into Arbitration Rules and Mediation Rules

不断推动仲裁员队伍的专业化与精英化  Unceasing Promotion of the Professionalism and Quality of arbitrators

人事上的独立  Personnel independence

保持委员会组成人员专家学者特色  Adhering to feature of experts and scholars in the Committee

为保持公正所作的特别规定  Special mechanisms encouraging impartiality

北仲作为新兴国际仲裁中心的主要特征  Major Features of the BAC as an Emerging International Arbitration Center

坚持仲裁机构的独立性和公正性  Strong use of mechanisms that encourage independence and impartiality

仲裁规则和调解规则最大限度地吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into Arbitration Rules and Mediation Rules

不断推动仲裁员队伍的专业化与精英化  Unceasing Promotion of the Professionalism and Quality of arbitrators

仲裁规则最大限度吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into the Arbitration Rules

以国际商事仲裁程序为例:  Taking the provision for international commercial arbitration procedure as an example

在国际案件中允许当事人在仲裁员名册之外选择仲裁员  Arbitrators may be chosen from outside the Panel of Arbitrators maintained by the BAC.

因调解不成导致调解程序终止的,当事人可以以避免裁决结果受到调解影响为由请求更换仲裁员  Upon the termination of unsuccessful conciliation proceeding, both parties may request a replacement of an arbitrator on the ground that the results of the award may be affected by the conciliation proceedings

独立调解规则与国际惯例全面接轨  The internationalized features of the Mediation Rules

调解受理范围不受有协议的限制  No limit on the type, scope, or nature of the disputes

调解员实行推荐制  Parties may choose the mediator, from within or from outside of the panel established by the BAC

强调调解员和当事人的保密原则以维护当事人的商业秘密  The mediators, the parties, and other participants in mediation must keep all issues regarding the mediation confidential

调解程序便捷灵活  The mediation procedures are convenient and efficient

允许调解员按小时收费  The fees for the mediator are separate from the administrative expenses and may be based upon the disputed amount or upon the working hours of the mediator

费用优势:仲裁费与诉讼费比较  Cost Advantage: Comparison of Arbitration Fees and Litigation Fees

费用优势:仲裁费与贸仲比较  Cost Advantage: Comparison of Arbitration Fees between BAC and CIETAC

北仲作为新兴国际仲裁中心的主要特征  Major Features of the BAC as an Emerging International Arbitration Center

坚持仲裁机构的独立性和公正性  Strong use of mechanisms that encourage independence and impartiality

仲裁规则和调解规则最大限度地吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into Arbitration Rules and Mediation Rules

不断推动仲裁员队伍的专业化与精英化  Unceasing Promotion of the Professionalism and Quality of arbitrators

不断提高仲裁员聘用标准  Raising the Standards for Appointment

不断强化业务培训  Improving professional training

严格考核,实行优胜劣汰  Eliminating incompetence based on performance in specific cases

不断提高仲裁员聘用标准  Raising the Standards for Appointment

北仲制定有《仲裁员聘用管理办法》,针对不同职业、专业领域的人士申请成为仲裁员提出比仲裁法的规定更高的标准  The BAC adopted the Administrative Measures for the Appointment of Arbitrators which sets forth higher specific standards for arbitrators in different occupation than that stipulated by the Arbitration Law

以律师为例:律师要申请成为仲裁员必须具备仲裁法规定的条件,还需满足  For lawyers who apply to be the arbitrators, the following requirements must be met

不断提高仲裁员聘用标准  Raising the Standards for Appointment

北仲作为新兴国际仲裁中心的主要特征  Major Features of the BAC as an Emerging International Arbitration Center

坚持仲裁机构的独立性和公正性  Strong use of mechanisms that encourage independence and impartiality

仲裁规则和调解规则最大限度地吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into Arbitration Rules and Mediation Rules

不断推动仲裁员队伍的专业化与精英化  Unceasing Promotion of the Professionalism and Quality of arbitrators

不断提高仲裁员聘用标准  Raising the Standards for Appointment

不断强化业务培训  Improving professional training

严格考核,实行优胜劣汰  Eliminating incompetence based on performance in specific cases

委托清华大学举办仲裁员培训班  Commissioning the Law School of Tsinghua University to provide a training course for arbitrators

现已成功举办八期,共有409人参加  8 courses have been held with 409 attendees in total

仲裁员沙龙(共举办53期,3694人参与)  Holding monthly Arbitrator’s Workshop (53 workshops have been held with 3694 attendees in total)

亚太区域仲裁组织前主席、香港国际仲裁中心前主席 杨良宜主讲“国际仲裁案件中的证据的应用”  Philip Yang, former President of APAG and HKIAC, introduced “The Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration” workshop

谢尔曼·思特灵律师事务所合伙人 John Savage主讲“国际工程索赔实务”  John Savage, Partner of the Shearman & Sterling LLP, led “The Practical Issues of International Construction Claims” workshop

与英国皇家御准仲裁员协会联合培训  Holding training programs in cooperation with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

御准仲裁员协会主席郑若骅女士授课  Teresa Cheng, the President of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, headed a training course

美迈斯律师事务所顾问Susan Munro女士主持学员讨论  Susan Munro, Counsel of O'Melveny & Myers LLP,chaired a discussion

与美国培普丹大学联合培训  Holding training programs in association with the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University

斯特劳斯争议解决中心主任Thomas Stipanowich在主持争议评审规则培训  Thomas Stipanowich, the Director of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, headed the training for the Dispute Review Board

斯特劳斯争议解决中心执行主任Peter Robinson在主持调解培训  Peter Robinson, the Managing Director of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, chaired the training for mediators

北仲作为新兴国际仲裁中心的主要特征  Major Features of the BAC as an Emerging International Arbitration Center

坚持仲裁机构的独立性和公正性  Strong use of mechanisms that encourage independence and impartiality

仲裁规则和调解规则最大限度地吸收国际惯例  Integration of International Practices into Arbitration Rules and Mediation Rules

不断推动仲裁员队伍的专业化与精英化  Unceasing Promotion of the Professionalism and Quality of arbitrators

不断提高仲裁员聘用标准  Raising the Standards for Appointment

不断强化业务培训  Improving professional training

严格考核,实行优胜劣汰  Eliminating incompetence based on performance in specific cases

严格考核,实行优胜劣汰  Eliminating incompetence based on performance in specific cases


The BAC tries its best to include the best and the brightest into the Panel of Arbitrators and to provide the opportunity for more arbitrators to handle cases. Meanwhile, the BAC efficiently eliminates incompetence based on performance in specific cases

严格考核,实行优胜劣汰  Eliminating incompetence based on performance in specific cases




The BAC has engaged 679 arbitrators, 308 of whom were not renewed

The reasons for failure to be renewed:

Violation the Ethical Standards for Arbitrators;

Lack of the ability in handling cases;

Personal reasons

仲裁员学历构成  The highest degree held by arbitrators in panel

仲裁员的行业分布  The occupation distribution of arbitrators in panel

仲裁员地区分布  Nationality of arbitrators in panel

欧洲 Europe 29  亚洲 Asia 15  美洲 America 13  大洋洲 Oceania 3

北京仲裁委员会  Beijing Arbitration Commission

Add: 16/F, Zhaoshang Building No.118 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100022 China
(8610) 6566 9856
Email: bjac@bjac.org.cn

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