发布时间: Fri Oct 14 13:37:04 CST 2016 供稿人:许德风
北京仲裁委员会 争议摘要
来源:《商法 》第7 辑第7 期
承债式收购,指在股权并购中,收购方承担目标公司的债务作为其购买股权对价的部分或全部。以下结合出让方/ 收购方交易动机的差异讨论此类交易的法律风险和防范规则。
例如,在一个案件中,交易双方就目标公司的股权转让达成一致,约定受让人乙直接向目标公司A支付5000万元,偿债后剩余部分支付给A 公司股东即出让人甲(缔约时预期为 万元)。此后,双方发生争议:股权让渡后,出让人要求受让人支付剩余款项,受让人则主张偿债数额远超预期,予以拒绝。
在一个真实案件中,受让人接受企业之后拒绝履行义务,出让人请求其履行,但因已经失去对目标公司的控制而无法准确说明受让人姓名/ 名称及债权数额的情况而陷入被动的境地。对此,虽然可以通过与各个债权人联系核实加以解决,但徒增非常多负担。
Risk prevention in debt-assumed acquisitions
The term debt-assumed acquisition refers to an arrangement in which the acquirer assumes the liabilities/debts of the target company instead of paying all consideration to the original shareholders (transferor). The following recommendations are given on how to prevent legal risks in such transactions, in various situations according to different motives of the parties.
When a company runs into financial troubles,its shareholders may transfer part or the majority of their shares to strategic investors, in the hope of saving the company.Under a situation where the acquirer lacks confidence in the target company’s debts, which have little transparency,in order to minimize acquisition risks,the parties would agree that the acquirer assumes the debts of the target company and pays the remainder of the consideration to the transferor after paying off all the debts. Such an arrangement would put the transferor at risk that the acquirer may overstate the amount of debts and refuse to pay the rest of the consideration after gaining control of the target company.
For example, there were two parties who agreed that the acquirer should pay RMB50 million (US$7.5 million) directly to the target company and the transferor would get the remainder (expected to be RMB20 million at the time of the agreement) after all the debts were paid off.After the share transfer was completed,a dispute arose between the two parties.The transferor required the acquirer to pay the rest of the consideration, while the acquirer refused, asserting that the amount of debt was far beyond expectation.
The disputes were as follows:
(1) The transferor refused to recognize the acquirer’s debt payment as necessary and the parties failed to reach an agreement on the debt list;
(2) The acquirer asserted that he was free from the obligation to pay any remainder to the transferor because all of the consideration was used to pay off the debts of the target company. On the other hand, the transferor insisted that the acquirer should pay the remainder, but he was unable to make accurate claims against the acquirer because he had lost control of the target company and had no access to corresponding information;
(3) The parties had different understandings on the legal meaning of some financial terms widely used in debt-assumed deals, such as revenue, operating costs, operating expenses, and even profit or loss.
To prevent this kind of dispute in debt-assumed acquisition, a carefully designed transaction structure is of great importance. The parties should make a detailed list of debts or establish a functional co-operating mechanism to determine the amount of debt together.The acquisition agreement should include terms about the appointment of a neutral third party for debt evaluation,the obligations of the parties to co-operate and the legal consequences of failure to do so.
In addition, the time limit and the procedure of debt payment must be clarified (such as the confirmation by the seller as a prerequisite), as well as the exclusion of the debts where statutes of limitation have expired. It is highly recommended that the transferor make the progress of debt elimination a precondition of partial or ultimate transfer of shares and the management/administration of power.
If the transferor has provided personal guarantees for the target company’s debts,he or she would prefer debt-assumed acquisition on the grounds that personal obligation can be exempted. In such transactions, it is not uncommon that the acquirer refuses to fulfil obligations to pay off the target company’s debts after the closing of the deal.
Under such a situation, though the transferor has the right to request the acquirer to perform his or her obligations,it is necessary for the transferor to clarify the amount of debt and the concrete names of the creditors.
In a case where the acquirer refused to fulfil his obligations after taking over the company, the transferor asked for specific performance, but fell into a disadvantageous position as he had lost control of the target company and couldn’t accurately describe the creditors’ names, or the amount of the debt.
It is worth mentioning that debt-assumed acquisition should be distinguished from debt assumption. In debt-assumed acquisition, the target company remains the debtor and the acquirer should inject capital into the target company for debt payment. In debt assumption, the acquirer becomes a debtor, assuming the debts together with the target company (assumption as co-debtors), or replacing the target company to be the sole debtor (which is rarely used in practice because it requires the consent of the creditor). In this case (substitution), the target company’s creditors gain the right to claim directly against the acquirer to pay off the debt.
In some situations, the target company still has some valuable assets but has insufficient liquid assets and needs external funds to pay defaulted labour claims and clear other burdens on businesses in order to complete the share transfer. In such arrangements,whether a third party, such as labour creditors,enjoys the right to request the acquirer to perform is often the focus of controversy.From the perspective of the acquirer, it is an effective way to negotiate with the transferor to reach a “package” solution, according to which the acquirer pays the transferor a lump sum and the latter is responsible for the elimination of historical burdens.
Finally, from the perspective of the acquirer, another effective solution to minimize debt risk is the flexible use of the bankruptcy law. In the reorganization proceedings of Zarva Technology (now known as Jianxin Mining), the investors set up a new company and used all its assets (including assets obtained from Zarva)to assume Zarva’s debts. Zarva’s creditors could request the new company to pay the remaining debts plus interest, while the former Zarva Technology didn’t assume any debt after the implementation of the reorganization plan, and was thus free from all future debt risk.
Tax issues are also important in debt-assumed acquisition. According to article 6 of Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 5, the acquirer’s payment in form of debt assumption can be viewed as target company revenue of the period in accordance;however, such a payment can also be deemed as capital contribution if the economic substance of the transaction supports such a judgement.
Xu Defeng is an arbitrator with Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Centre, and a professor at the Law School of Peking University