第102辑北京仲裁 目录

发布时间: Fri Jul 19 01:03:40 CST 2019





“北仲杯”全国高校商事仲裁有奖征文大赛五周年回顾暨学术成果概览               /鲁洋 赵可


BIT中“投资形式变化符合东道国法律”条款的仲裁风险与防范              /冯硕

国有企业在仲裁裁决执行过程中的官方豁免问题—以中煤能源案为例                   /刘桂强

无涉外因素争议的域外仲裁协议效力研究             /仇晟栋

国际仲裁中仲裁庭秘书之研究                       /桑远棵

民事诉讼视角下虚假仲裁的规制——以我国司法实践为切入点             /宋春龙

告别“一裁终局”?——中国大陆商事仲裁实体上诉机制研究          /宋肇屹

国际商事仲裁中书证开示规则的正当性探究----基于两项程序基本原则的互动                                    /杨昆波

国际投资仲裁中紧急仲裁员制度研究                  /陈潇

已撤销国际商事仲裁裁决在我国的承认与执行问题探讨           /董仲英

合并仲裁现有理论之若干反思——兼论合并仲裁制度之程序构建                /范瑞

 “一裁终局”原则对仲裁协议效力影响的实证研究         /武振国


Special Report: Special Report: Award-Winning Papers from the fifth ‘BAC/BIAC Cup’ Nationwide Collegiate Commercial Arbitration Prize Paper Contest

Editor’s Note

Special Contribution

Five-Year Review of the ‘BAC/BIAC Cup’ Nationwide Collegiate Commercial Arbitration Prize Paper Contest and Overview of Academic Achievements                           /Lu Yang  Zhao Ke

Award-Winning papers

On the risk and prevention of arbitration in terms of “The change of investment does not contradict the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in which territory the investments were made” in BIT               / Feng Shuo

Crown Immunity for PRC State-owned Enterprises in the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards                   /Liu Guiqiang

Study on the Validity of Arbitration Agreement concerning Overseas Arbitration of Disputes without Foreign Elements                                      /Qiu Shengdong

Research upon Tribunal Secretary in International Arbitration               /Sang Yuanke

False Litigation regulation from the perspective of civil litigation---take judicial practice as the entry point                / Song Chunlong

Farewell to the Finality of Arbitration?——A Study on the Substantive Appellate Mechanism of Commercial Arbitration in Mainland China               /Song Zhaoyi

A search for the legal justifications of document production in international commercial arbitration----an analysis based on the interaction between two principles               /Yang Kunbo

The emergency arbitrator in investment treaty arbitration                /Chen Xiao

The recognition and enforcement of the Annulled International Commercial Arbitral Awards in China               /Dong Zhongying

Some reflections on the existing theories of   arbitration consolidation and its procedure construction               /Fan Rui

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Violating the Principle of Finality of Arbitral Award on the Validity of Arbitration Agreement               /Wu Zhenguo

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