
发布时间: Fri Jul 19 08:57:22 CST 2019

目 录

专 论


/Albert Jan van den Berg 著 傅攀峰 译

法院驳回撤销仲裁裁决申请实务研究——以北京仲裁委员会2016年度裁决为研究样本 /刘文鹏

双边投资协定缔约国间仲裁争议理论与实践研究 /毕莹


/曲光毅 王晓鑫


/杰瑞德•莱博维奇(Gerald Lebovits) 著 杨洁 译

国资、外资审批对股权回购条款效力的影响 /崔强


从特定领域专家到优秀仲裁员的转型 /陈福勇

要成为一名合格的仲裁员面临哪些挑战 /刘新权

从立法到仲裁:转型做仲裁员的体会 /姚红

认真履行仲裁员职责,做一名合格的仲裁员 /齐丽华

教学相长 与北仲同行 /高峰

作为北仲仲裁员的思考和感悟 /彭立松

十年北仲仲裁员的三点体会 /黄瑞

关于实现优质仲裁的几点思考 /陶修明

作为首席仲裁员的一些体会 /邓峰



Should the Setting Aside of the Arbitral Award be Abolished?

/Albert Jan van den Berg Fu Panfeng

A Practical Study on Rejection of Applications for Revocation of Arbitral Awards by the Court: Taking the Arbitral Awards of Beijing Arbitration Commission in the Year of 2016 as Samples /Liu Wenpeng

A Study on Arbitration between States in the Context of Bilateral Investment Treaties /Bi Ying

On the Feasibility of Establishing Online Arbitration in China: Taking American Experience as an Example /Qu Guangyi Wang Xiaoxin

The Writing Process for New Lawyers: Getting It Written and Right

/Gerald Lebovits Yang Jie

The Impact of Regulatory Approval on Share Redemption Clause /Cui Qiang

Arbitrators’ Notes

The Transition from a Specialist in a Specific Field to an Arbitrator of Excellence

/Chen Fuyong

What are the Challenges to be a Qualified Arbitrator /Liu Xinquan

Form Legislation to Arbitration: The Experience of becoming an Arbitrator

/Yao Hong

To Perform the Duties of an Arbitrator Conscientiously and to be a Qualified Arbitrator /Qi Lihua

Teaching and Learning with the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Gao Feng

Thinking and Understanding as an Arbitrator of the Beijing Arbitration Commission /Peng Lisong

My Ten-year Experience as an Arbitrator of the Beijing Arbitration Commission /Huang Rui

Thinking on How to Achieve an Arbitration of High Quality /Tao Xiuming

The Experience of being a Presiding Arbitrator /Deng Feng

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