
发布时间: Fri Jul 19 09:09:26 CST 2019

目 录

专 论


/高印立 赵怡红

中国企业作为总包方在签订国际设计采购施工合同时应注意的几个问题 /孙巍

缺席仲裁应注意的问题 /张皓亮

《询证函》的法律效力探究 /崔强

强制合并仲裁权的理论追问与制度完善 /牛颖秀

Rethinking Foreign-Related Element and Ad Hoc Arbitration: Evolution of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC)’s Attitude



评黑龙江国际经济技术合作公司等诉蒙古仲裁案——以投资条约中限缩式仲裁条款的解释为中心 /张建 郝梓伊




荷兰仲裁法评述:仲裁协议的形式有效性和实质合法性 /陈一华



法国仲裁制度的发展历程——从文艺复兴时期谈起 /傅攀峰



Discrimination of the Conceptions of Periods and Liabilities Related to Construction Quality Under China Law /Gao Yinli Zhao Yihong

How Chinese Contractors May Avoid Legal Risks: Several Key Issues on Signing International EPC Contracts /Sui Wei

Notes for Default Arbitration /ZhangHaoliang

Inquiry into the Legal Effect of Confirmation Request /Cui Qiang

Theory Questions and Regime Improvement of the Power of Mandatory Consolidated Arbitration /Niu Ying-Xiu

Rethinking Foreign-Related Element and Ad Hoc Arbitration: Evolution of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC)’S Attitude /Guo Qingyu

Case Study

A Case Analysis of Heilongjiang International Economic & Technical Cooperative Corp. et al. v. Mongolia: Focusing on the Interpretation of The Restrictive Arbitration Clause in Investment Treaties

/Zhang Jian Hao Ziyi

Comparative Law Study

Commentary on Saudi Arabian Arbitration Act: the Antagonism and Co-existence between the Modern Commercial Arbitration System and the Islamic Law /Qin Huaping

A Commentary the Dutch Arbitration Law: Formal Validity And Substantive Legality Of Arbitration Agreements /Chen Yihua

Whether Non-foreign-related Contracts can Choose Overseas Arbitration: Based on Judicial Practice of China and India /Yang Lingyi

Historical Development of the French Arbitration System: A Discussion Starting from the Renaissance /Fu Panfeng

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