Welcome to attend the APRAG Conference 2020

发布时间: Wed Nov 06 16:46:08 CST 2019   供稿人:尹通

The APRAG Conference 2020 “Innovations and Challenges Facing the Arbitration Industry” will take place at Bangkok, Thailand from 15 January to 17 January 2020.

The APRAG Conference will discuss the growing importance of International Arbitration in Asia and Australia and the significant developments in the domain of ADR and future trend in this domain.

The APRAG Conference aims to identify new opportunities for legal convergence to produce a more robust and predictable cross-order regime for arbitration, demonstrate good will the member states, improves standards and knowledge of international arbitration in the region, attract international arbitrators and international arbitration counsel, legal practitioners, judges, in-house counsel, policymakers, academics and business persons for a fruitful discussion, and promote the use of arbitration and other forms of ADR.

As a member of the APRAG, BAC/BIAC sincerely invites your participation.

Further information: ( https://www.eabc-thailand.org/event/aprag-conference-2020/)

Please Click Here For the Agenda of the Conference

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